HARARE: The Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe [RPAZ] has conducted a Results Based Training programme for its staff in line with government requirements that all state enterprises and government departments should follow a Results Based Management system to improve operational efficiency.

Two trainers, one from the Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council, Mr Lovejoy Gamba and RPAZ’s Human Resources and Administration Manager, Mr Brian Mutangandebvu conducted the three-day programme at the RPAZ’s premises.

The course content covered issues like ZIMASSET, the economic blue print which is set to guide all government operations until 2018, development of Client Charters, overview of Integrated Results Based Management, Results based Budgeting, Performance Management for individuals and departments and subsequently of the whole organization which is also expected to feed into the performance of the parent ministry which will eventually feed into the performance of the state. The course also covered issues to do with goals, objectives and strategies of the organization and also finally looked at monitoring and evaluation of the Results Based Management system.