Preparing for an inspection
Responsibility for planning an inspection
Preparation for inspection is the responsibility of the team designated for conducting the inspection.
Before an Inspection
Before an inspection, the inspectors must review the authorization or application noting:-
- previous inspection findings related to the facility to be inspected;
- past correspondence between the Authority and the Licensee on the facility;
- any unresolved issues arising from previous inspections or that arise from previous written directions given by the Authority to the licensee; and
- records of any past violations
Inspectors should:
- designate one to take the lead role;
- communicate with the RSO on the date and time of inspection;
- give the Administrator the inspection programme one week before the inspection is conducted;
- through planning discussions with participating personnel, ensure there will not be any dissent or disagreement in public; ·unless it is has been agreed to conduct an unannounced inspection, make an appointment at a mutually convenient time with the legal person at the facility, the radiation safety officer (RSO) or their delegate;
- arrive on time;
- ask to see the person with whom the arrangements for the inspection were made (or, if the inspection is without notice, ask to see the legal person or the RSO).
Other than in exceptional circumstances, unannounced inspections should be avoided to minimize interference with the Licensee’s business and to ensure the availability of key persons.
Entrance Briefing
The team leader should:-
- introduce the team members
- produce inspectors’ certificates and worker identification cards showing the inspector’s authority under the legislation(ACT) to enter the premises; and
- Explain the purpose of the inspection.
The inspectors should:-
Where the facility has not previously (or recently) been inspected, request a familiarization tour to note:-
- the location of the controlled areas, staff and public areas, observing places where protection of the staff and the public may be unsatisfactory;
- general “housekeeping” standards at the facility which may provide an indication of their commitment to their radiation safety program.
- The inspection should follow procedures in the prescribed checklists
- Sufficient documentation shall be inspected to provide reasonable confidence that the Licensee is complying with the License requirements at each stage of the facility in accordance with the practices proposed by the Licensee and accepted by the Authority
Test and Measurements
The Authority may require tests and measurements to be carried out as part of the inspection programme.
Such tests and measurements should be undertaken in consultation with the operator. The inspectors should not assume direct operational control of the equipment or any of its systems.
Exit Briefing
On completion of the inspection, the team leader should:-
- discuss the outcome with the facility’s legal person. (However, a decision on any follow up action is subject to approval by the Chief Executive Officer);
- explain any matters believed to be in contravention of the legislation;
- give guidance on procedures that may reduce staff and public radiation exposure;
- invite questions on any matters that may require clarification or on which advice may be requested.
Inspection Reports and Findings
The results of all inspections shall be documented and submitted as inspection report which shall provide a basis for notifying the Licensee of inspection findings, and of any requirements, to be complied by him.