HARARE: In an effort to augument its corporate publicity programmes, the Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe participated during this year’s edition of the Zimbabwe Internationl Trade Fair whose theme was “New Ideas to New Heights-Progress Through Innovation.”

The RPAZ stand was located in the same hall as 2013, stand number 18, Hall 2A. Most of the exhibitors in this hall were in the category of health. This included medical aid societies like Cell med, CIMAS and MASCA, funeral assurance companies like Nyaradzo and HMMAS, Government ministries and departments and NGOs with activities leaning towards health provision. A total of 516 people visited the RPAZ stand during the five-day event. This was an increase of 9.6% compared with the 2013 figures which stood at 419. RPAZ managed to have two television presentations and one radio interview during the five- day event which was also an improvement from last year’s one radio presentation.

Initial discussions are also underway with ZiFm Stereo to host RPAZ during one of its future shows. Two ministers visited the RPAZ stand and the most notable being the Minister of Defence, Dr Sidney Sekeramayi and his wife who spent close to 30 minutes at the stand, learning about radiation issues. Other notable visitors included Mr and Mrs Hove. The team also managed to have photo shooting opportunities with the Minister of Defence and his wife, Mr Hove and his wife, Dr T Stamps, Professor Jonathan Moyo and Deputy Minister Mandiwanzira.


On display were brochures [applications of radiation, radiation basics, radiation and pregnancy, radiation training, transportation of radioactive substances and RPAZ profile.] The maxi event kit was also on display. Radiation measurement equipment was also on display. Furniture comprised two seatees and a coffee table all on an 18 square meter stand.  

* It was also interesting to note that the branded RPAZ vehicle ended up ‘on display’ as well as some of the people who visited the stand said that they had  seen a vehicle in town and that was the first time they saw something about our organization. The vehicle attracted a lot of attention in Bulawayo and along the way to and from Harare. Personally I feel that branding of the white vehicle was done so well and is visible and not too crowded with information.


Lack of visibility of the organization
Lack of knowledge about radiation
How RPAZ is protecting the public
Contaminated vehicle imports from Japan-are they not harmful?
Cellphones, microwaves, base stations and radiation –the links
Cancer and radiation –the connection
How is radiation used in Zimbabwe?
Why RPAZ is not funded given its mammoth task to protect people?


  • Meeting potential suppliers of high quality services/products. Forwarded the contacts to the Procurement Officer.
  • Visiting radio station stands to introduce ourselves as RPAZ and solicit for coverage at no fee, eg ZiFm Stereo, meeting scheduled for this week.
  • Asked Dr Stamps to visit our offices, he preferred it the other way that our CEO visits him at his offices. To organize the meeting this week.
  • Visited The Chronicle offices to solicit for coverage, reporter got tied up and could not cover us at the end.
  • Met with PR people from other organisations-Dairibord Zimbabwe, ZERA, POTRAZ, Department of Immigration, SERA, REA, UN and ZIMPOST.
  • Defensive driving for staff enquiries. Two day course costing $45 per employee.